
There are ONLY 3 Activities your business should focus on to double productivity

There are three things and really only three that you should be spending your time on each day. You may find that extremely exciting. No longer do you have to try and tackle a long and growing to-do list. Proactively follow up with leads, set meetings and calls. Enter meaningful sales conversations. Done right this focus will grow your revenues like no other activity. Or you may find that idea scary because it requires you to become even more focused and to remove all the distractions around you. Whichever side you’re on it doesn’t change the importance of these three things. And if growing your consulting business is a priority don’t underestimate the power of what I’m about to share with you. Priority #1: Serve Paying Clients Your first priority should always be to serve your paying clients. They deserve the most from you. When you start your day always begin with your clients in mind. Have a clear plan of what you need to do that day to serve them in the best possible way and provide them with exceptional value. You’ll want to spend 30-50% of your time on this priority. They are the lifeblood of your business. Never forget that. Priority #2: Close Deals and Work Your Leads Once you’ve taken care of your clients you can move to your next most important activity – working the leads you have in your pipeline. Why is this so important? A percentage of the leads in your pipeline will become your paying clients. If you use the right strategies and approach a significant number of them will become clients. When you learn what type of marketing will work for your specific situation you’re able to take the right actions to improve your marketing and get results from it. This is a revenue generating activity. It’s the straight-line from getting where you are to winning more business. Proactively follow up with leads, set meetings and calls. Enter meaningful sales conversations. Done right this focus will grow your revenues like no other activity. You’ll want to spend 25-40% of your time on this priority. Priority #3: Marketing and Lead Generation This is the top of your funnel. Marketing and lead generation are activities you always want to be engaged in. Failure to focus on bringing in more leads results in having a dry pipeline and a severe lack of business and opportunities. In my Marketing for Consultants Coaching Program I teach strategic marketing tactics that can fill your pipeline quickly. A way to attract your ideal clients. The actual tactic you choose to generate leads isn’t as important as making sure that you’ve selected the right one. Not every approach works for all consultants. There isn’t a one-size fits-all approach. When you learn what type of marketing will work for your specific situation you’re able to take the right actions to improve your marketing and get results from it. You’ll want to spend 25-40% of your time on this priority. The Percentages Why such a range in the percentages of how much time you should spend on each activity, you ask? Great question. The reason is that it depends on what stage you are at. If you’re brand new to consulting you’ll need to spend more time on building your pipeline. If you’ve been a consultant for a while and have some potential leads and clients already you’ll spend a greater percentage of time on priority #1 and #2. Makes sense, right? Getting Focused When you plan your day, look at your week and month you want to ensure that you’re spending your time focused on each of these priorities. Anything you want to do should fit into one of these three priorities. If it doesn’t, it likely won’t help you to grow your business. How are you currently spending your time? Do you see how focusing on these three activities is so valuable?

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On 5th August, 2017

hello worlkd


On 5th August, 2017

Sthaby comment


On 28th January, 2023


Bokang Moqelane

On 13th October, 2023

commente nje